Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good bye June! Thanks for stopping by!

Oh gee... Hello July!
Had amazing time during June some of 'em were as I summarized it below ♥
  • Celebrated mommy's bday and we did a barbie at the backyard
  • Bought my first the MOTHER of ALL HANDBANGS ♥Chanel♥ arm candy (original k no inspired) but a vintage with double flaps! *jumps giddily* I slept with it for 2 days ehehe *drama*
  • Watched SATC 2 where I drooled at their awesome stuff. Carrie was cute and Samantha was super horny! LOL!
  • Participated in Go Green Run organized by company. It was 7.5 km I think I could finish it if it's a not running uphill and downhill so I was disqualified after I made a u-wee more 5km later haha it was fun cos we (meself + bambino) ran with Asst Gen Suzie, TSB and AbbyL too! Each of us got a small plant for ending the run. I was super exhausted can die dot com. Had reflexo after and suffered for the next 2 days!
  • Finally co-purchased a house with bro for juicy familia crib. Am gonna save up moolah to build a pool on our big compound so if I miss Bali I will just jump in da pool hee hee! Sans the shrooms lah!
  • Organized an appreciation dinner for staff in Cyberview Lodge where No.1 and No.2 was happy with the whole thingamajic! *beams*
  • I got an increment (finally!!!!) and alhamdulillah it came just right for me to move up with juicy lifestyle
  • It's the World Cup and boy oh boy am just getting into it cos I can even watch it alone at home on the telly hahaha but not only I support the hemsem players hehe of cos I see how the strategy and tactic to predict the champion lah since #fra sent back home #ned (juicy hommies) might kena belasah with #bra and #par semuanya model look #ger best game so not sure lah who will be in the finals. Gonna be torn in between if #bra vs #arg >>Best place to watch it live is in Laundry, Curve cos the buzz is just so alike in a stadium plus with vuvuzelas too!!!!
  • Gone for urbanscapes 2010 and it was fun thought we (meself + dawnie) rushing. Bought awesome stuff not much but unique pieces and tell you more later.... Cos DJ Juicy came out to play at the tea partay!! Thanks Isaac!
  • Applied juicy cheque book cos I gotta make juicy dream crib into reality!!! Woohoo!
Gonna be right back with picchas peeps.. Sorry time is just flying off for meself!!!!
Be nice and smile always!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Like Every Year I Will Not Miss Urbanscapes

Half of the year almost gone ya American Idol season this year has ended too! LOL!
Now KL Urbanscapes is baaaaaaaaaccckkk!
Am excited usually for the market place lah also it's the creative ppl in town come out to play be it in music, arts or film
I ♥ the outdoor atmosphere and buzz so why don't we hang out there and make the most of our Saturday this weekend ey!
And they even have this too woohoo!

Take care and see you there!
Brings lotsa dosh cos u might find unique pieces there too *juicy air kisses*

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Juicy current tune :)

1st June : Happy Birthday Mommy and Oh Happy Anniversary too!

*dust off cobwebs*
HELLLLOOOOOO!!!! Am revisiting this dusty blog cos I feel like jotting my thoughts and actions
Time is really precious! Gotta make more ME time!
Anyway, took mommy out for lunch and we thought of going to Seoul Garden but it was under reno so we went to New York Deli instead. We ordered lotsa yummy food stuffing ourselves and bro treated this time :)

Today also we got our first property together and she put aside a hefty down payment. It is a little far from the city but to me driving back home should feel like a cosy home far far away from the hustle and bustle! Can't wait for the next project of making it our dream abode. Told them driving there is like going to Bali hehe

Few has asked me about my relationship now seriously it is personal and am not saying anything yet! Go with the flow and do what makes me happy. Finding the one who understand me is not easy cos those I dated just don't jive well or they just play dumb. Perhaps my expectation is high but hey take it or leave it :p
You gotta roll the juicy style otherwise please do not waste our time :)
Things should work the way I want it so am pleasing myself more this time lah!
Ok gotta go lotsa things has been happening especially traveling around and my passport is full of immigration stamps haha!
Be right back -____-

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