Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What's Going On Lah?

The other day loooong time back I posted in my FB status was Nurulkia is lay low as requested by Blog God
Well the web sphere has gone some shifting dilemma I guess cos none lately has been kind to me
I presumed friendster is trying their very best in upgrading their network but the admins clearly don't understand the importance of my online journal storage AT ALL!
Anyway not that I expect any much but the fact that am a paid blogger at least some alerts should be sent to us before they decided to switch to other platform for the blog or what so ever... *sighs*
Kinda frustrating cos I can't retrieve locate a single dust of my precious juicy piece of me anywhere in the cyber space




Their response.. oh oh so slow and I don't think they can ever compete with you know who...
Even then it doesn't solve my enquiries AT ALL!
Tact is not their great act!
Thank god of my kiasu type of blogging that I have storage or rather drafted posts in xanga but then if I were to pay them I heard a lot of other nuisance too
It's not a big issue of paying while you can get it free right but I thought when you pay for something it's should be hell better *shush no cuss in the holy mth* sorry! than to those who don't innit?!




Hmmm... funny is am actually managing three personal blogs! Oh yeah weird right that's why when people ask to contribute to their fashion or style blog I can't commit just yet
Which I really wanna share my juicy point of view on juicy stuff!
Let me sort my personal issue(s) here first and choose one ultimate super cool bestest hassle free with nice awesome template plus smilies and easy to add extra toppings as and when I like!
Should I get my own domain? Been thinking about it for a year but but will need some advice to start from scratch on building my OWN
Then again I played around with lotsa html code shit on my own hmmm.. can I? will I?


Sometimes I hate changes!

Ok am sleepy.. will get back soon.
Please answer promptly on my freaking question will ya so called support help jack sheesh frieeeeeeeeeeeeeendster!

*grumbles in the sleep*

Oh yes I posted this draft on 090808 as I can't log in at all!
Blogspot don't have any calendar and choose the dates I want ... ugh!!! It all has its own pros and cons innit
If only I can have THEM ALL!!!!

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