Cos everyone will feel excited to travel, holidays, celebrations and anticipating the new year
Party! Party! Party!
But best of all is my birthday month hehe
I think so far the best birthday present for myself was a new (immediate) unexpected job so that I'll not be dead broke for long bwahaha!
Syukur thank god he answers my prayers
Boy am really really glad and thankful!
Medical check up went well though I feel disgusted to hand over my bloody urine (excuse me) and leave it on the reception counter eeewww..
I did wrapped the container wif my own tissue in my handbag since I knew I can't never rely on public toilet even though clinic should be a hygienic place doh!
Got a minor infection due to coughs on my x-rays funny to see my rib cage hehe
I'm definitely not colour blind and my eyesight wasn't bad at all
I don't believe it was just that easy peasy but yeah it's gonna be another looooooooog road ride baby!
Making mental note to myself to be a stuck up b*tch so that ppl don't bully and tired of being Ms Smiley Nice To Everybody cos it's not gonna benefit me in anyway
So my journey continues....
Here's my birthday wish this year *coughs*
Yeah... I don't really care if it's inspired or replicas... no am not fussy!
and either of these too!
Now drool wif me... ga ga ga ga ga ga ga
untied shoelaces
3 years ago
they say u can never have a second chance to make a first impression. new job means a new opportunity to make ur mark. best of luck. :)
hi! yup you're right. but not necessary that first impression will last for everyone anyway :)
let us all hope for the best and do the best we can....
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