Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Distraction A Better One. I NEED A JOB!

This is just too cute not to share!
Doncha think the wallpaper is so gorgeous! Yup it's the same as JPG site
Kerli - Walking On Air from Kerli Fansite on Vimeo
Check tis hottie out!
Am amusing myself by checking out cool vids and now you can see am sharing most of them lately
Seriously mental torture is the worst thing you have to endure cos when you're mentally drained your body is not functioning well
Getting tired easily and just don't have the heart to think of anything correctly
I lost my appetite and even buy my own packs now.. WTF right
But it's ok I just need some distraction to take my mind off and staying sane
Waiting.. ugh I hate waiting for something not concrete but I have no choice
It's a down time, bad time for everybody
Economic crisis gives a big impact to everyone and at this time I'm wishing that I should be smarter enough to cover my bases
Well that's me always sway and being too optimistic that I forgot to keep up a certain thing
Find solution! Find solution!
Anybody can help me?
Yeah am looking for another job.. please let me know if your company has any placement as a PA, HR& Admin just buzz me cos I don't wanna die here rotten.. alone *sniff*
Thank you!


fudge said...

hey gal, hippie man giving u a hard time huh? i'll try and ask around if got position suitable for u. u're ok with kl area right?

u hang on there alright. i c u tomorrow yah.

Juicy Pop said...

oh yes! too much! :(
working in the house is literally like a prison.. OMG! gila!

anyway ya just update me if you hear anything and I gotta be strong temporary lah. Ugh!

Your nasi beriyani soooooo super sedap still can taste it hahah! TQ!

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